Office Introductory Pack


20 Dental Anxiety Relief CBD Appointment Packs, a FREE compact counter display and product literature.

Customer Testimonial:

“When [my dentist] introduced me to the Dental Anxiety Relief CBD Appointment Pack, I was eager to try it, particularly because there is no risk of addiction involved. The night before my next appointment, I took the first pill, and slept very deeply, but no longer than usual. I took the second pill when I got to work at 8:00 a.m. and relaxed within 30 minutes. My appointment was at 3:00 p.m., so I took the last pill at 2:45 p.m. The amazing part of this story is I initially felt no effect from the third pill, so I tried some mindfulness techniques, including deep breathing. Then, all of a sudden, my shoulders were no longer tense, and I felt completely calm. I sat back, tension-free as [my dentist] completed the procedure. I’m really sold on the Dental Anxiety Relief CBD Appointment Pack and have another pack right now in anticipation of my next procedure. I strongly recommend it to others who are anxious before visiting their dentist.”
– Justin D., West Chester, Pennsylvania



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